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Basics of Biblical Aramaic Video Lectures: For Use with Basics of Biblical Aramaic, Second Edition

Original price was: $199.99.Current price is: $100.00.

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SKU: ASZI857177 Category:

This updated edition ofBasics of Biblical Aramaic Video Lectures, taught by Miles V.Van Pelt and used alongside the accompanyingBasics of Biblical Aramaic Grammar,Second Editiontextbook (sold separately), introduces students to the second of threebiblical languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek).

Designed for students who already have a working knowledge of Hebrew, each lectureis approximately half an hour and is taught using a logical and simple method forlearning Biblical Aramaic. Focused on the structural pattern of Biblical Aramaic whileminimizing rote paradigm memorization, Van Pelts lectures will give students the basicunderstanding they need to begin reading and studying the 269 Aramaic verses thatappear in the Old Testament.

These lessons are an ideal resource for Aramaic language students wanting additionalhelp in their learning; for instructors wanting to devote classroom time to drills andexercises, giving them a lecture tool their students can watch on their own time; and forarmchair students of Biblical Aramaic with an interest in learning on their own.

Session Titles and Runtimes:

0 Introduction (1 min)

1 – Alphabet (15 min)

2 – Vowels (21 min)

3 – Syllabification (30 min)

4 – Nouns: Absolute State (23 min)

5 – Nouns: Determined State (14 min)

6 – Nouns: Construct State (21 min)

7 – Conjunctions and Prepositions (17 min)

8 – Pronominal Suffixes (12 min)

9 – Pronouns (17 min)

10 – Adjectives and Numbers (14 min)

11 – Adverbs and Participles (11 min)

12 – Introduction to Aramaic Verbs (14 min)

13 –PealPerfect (29 min)

14 –PealImperfect (28 min)

15 –PealImperative (11 min)

16 –PealInfinitive Construct (18 min)

17 –PealParticiple (28 min)

18 ThePeil, Hithpeel, and IthpeelStems (21 min)

19 ThePaelStem (19 min)

20 – TheHithpaalandIthpaalStems (12 min)

21 TheHaphelStem (15 min)

22 – TheAphel, Shaphel,andHophalStems (16 min)


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